Service fees
Fee type |
Domestic flights |
For the exchange | 2 500 ₽ — 4 000 ₽ |
For the refundNo refund | 2 000 ₽ — 4 000 ₽ |
For the transportation of the unaccompanied child 1 | 4900 ₽ |
For the ticket purchasing at our own sales officies 1 No refund | from 200 ₽ |
For issuing a certificate of flight cost or other certifications | 1200 ₽ |
For documentation confirming the fact of travel | 1 200 ₽ |
When booking a flight segmet on Smartavia flights (PS) 2 | 290 ₽ — 560 ₽ |
For every change of passenger's data on flights Smartavia 3No refund | 1 000 ₽ |
For blocking the adjacent seat | 1 000 ₽ |
For the double check-in desk opening | 5 000 ₽ |
For violations of carry-on baggage rules at boarding, with use of a fiscal cash register | 3 500 ₽ |
For violations of checked baggage rules at boarding, with use of a fiscal cash register | 3 500 ₽ |
1 Fees apply per flight segment.
2 In cases of voluntary cancellation, the booking fee (PS) is non-refundable.
3 Fees are charged in cases such as: typo in passenger’s name (up to three characters, preserving meaning), surname change with supporting documents, typo in birth date, changes to document details, reordering of name fields, gender change, or name transliteration. Multiple changes incur cumulative fees.