Additional services

Additional luggage

If the carry-on didn't fit everything or you wish to take more luggage with you.

Additional carry-on

If your carry-on luggage is bigger than the luggage allowence.

Carry-on Plus

We offer you expanding the luggage allowence up to 55х40х20 cm.


Obtain an insurance policy that will protect you in unforseen circumstances during your flight.

Seat selection in the cabin

Choose your preferred seat in advance and fly the way you like it.

Onboard meals

Just order your meal for the flight in advance, and we'll take care of the rest.

Ski equipment

Free transportation of skis and snowboards is available with luggage rates.

Pet on board

Take your beloved pet with you on your journey.

Onboard celebration

Order a congratulatory message from the crew in advance for your flight.


Send correspondence from airport on regular flights.

Unaccompanied Minors

We offer a service to accompany child during the flight.

Flight change notification

We will promptly inform you of any flight delays or cancellations.

Onboard cinema

Discover original content from the online cinema PREMIER during your flight.